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Mental/Emotional Health

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Mental/Emotional Health

Is it time to talk to someone?

Mental and emotional health and well-being has become a priority for many of us over the last few years. We hear about regulating emotions, prioritizing self-care, and avoiding burn-out, as well as mood management and harmonious relationships. Self-awareness and self-help can go a long way, but at some point, when things get really difficult, the books, podcasts, and inspirational quotes stop helping and you need a real-life guide to help you through. 


Individual Counselling

Therapy is for people who are feeling stuck and ready for meaningful change. If you are facing something you can't solve alone, our Registered Clinical Counsellors can help. Whether the issues are personal, professional, relational, or spiritual, we have therapists with various backgrounds who customize their approach for each client. We also incorporate your cultural values and spiritual beliefs into therapy so you can feel, heal, and grow with grace. We believe that the answers are already within you - our job is to help you quiet the noise so you can begin hearing them again. Book in a Complimentary Telephone Consultation and we will find the right match for you!


Life & Leadership Coaching

Are you a high achieving professional who is driven to make impact, but currently feeling a bit stale or stuck? Over a short series of Individual Coaching sessions, you will identify limiting beliefs and past experiences that are holding you back from your next steps. Your Professional Coach will help you map out where you are, what is truly troubling you, and help you to execute actionable steps to get to your next phase in both your personal and professional life. Book in a Complimentary Telephone Consultation to see if Life & Leadership Coaching is for you!


Energetic Centering Coaching

Energetic Centering is a comprehensive approach to emotion-regulation, calming down the nervous system, and releasing emotions. You will learn a series of simple-yet-powerful steps to get you back to homeostatis and inner alignment so thoughts and emotions no longer have a hold on you. To request this particular coaching service, you must first attend an Energetic Centering Training session either in-person or virtually. Click here to book in to the next training session or call us for availabilty.


Why Work with Us?

At Dragonfly Wellness Centre, we have two streams of support: addressing illness and promoting wellness.

Addressing illness is the traditional approach to healing where someone seeks out a practitioner because they are facing a complicated life issue, need help with physical illness, are feeling disconnected spiritually, or are suffering from a mental health crisis. People tend to ask for this kind of help when everything they have tried isn't working, and they need another perspective to solve the problems they are facing. The addressing illness approach is helpful for people in relationship crisis, experiencing a mental health condition, dealing with physical symptoms they can't resolve, or at a critical crossroads or transition point and feel like they don't know what to do next. In addressing illness, we explore where the problems came from, why they are still here, and what we can do to resolve them. 

Promoting wellness is the second stream of healing at our Centre. Here, we are working with people who are generally high-functioning and are interested in staying well, increasing their productivity, taking their relationships to the next level of honesty and closeness, and living a life of passion and purpose. We offer this type of approach to entrepreneurs, parents, out-of-the-box thinkers, artists, and high-achievers. Many of our clients who are interested in promoting wellness become members of Dragonfly Academy.

When you choose us as your helping professionals, you get the best combination of training, heart, hope, and science.

Expertise to meet your needs

Dragonfly Wellness Centre is home to an eclectic lineup of mental health specialists. No matter the problems you are facing, you are likely to find a certified therapist or coach in our team who has trained specifically to help you. Our counselling and coaching support covers:

  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Body Image
  • Career Problems
  • Couples Issues
  • Depression
  • Self-Esteem
  • Spirituality
  • Work-Life Balance
  • And More!  

Contact our mental health and wellness experts today to see how they can help you conquer your personal challenges!

What Do We Offer?

We don't want you to just get better, for now, we want transformation. We want you to get to a point where you don't need us anymore because you have uncovered your own inner compass. We want you well for the long term.

We help you identify your challenges, and look deeper into root causes so not only are you making plans for the future, but you are also healing pain from your past. 

We teach you about your brain and how to manage moods and thoughts so you can craft the life you want and get out of "survival mode".

We help you address and change habits and patterns for lasting change. 

We work with your body and it's systems and understand pain as the body's way of asking for healing.

We teach you about your energy system and how to align all aspects of you so you are moving cofidentaly in the direaction of your dreams. 

We teach you about family dynamics and share the secret keys to long-term fulfillment in personal and professional relationships. 

We help you explore and deepen your spiritual life, including developing your mindfulness, presence, and relationship to your Highest Self.

Our practitioners have training in a variety of areas, including anxiety and depression, burn-out, chronic pain, family harmony, single-parenting, men's issues, relationship issues, addictions and recovery, LGBTQ2+ issues, spirituality, children and youth, mindfulness, and anger management.

Once you decide to work with us, you will book an initial consultation with the practitioner you feel would be the best fit. That person will then call you at the scheduled time for a mutual interview to see if you both feel it would be a good working relationship.

If you feel it's a good fit, you will then book the first session. You will be emailed a consent form and initial self-report for you to complete before your first session. Be sure to double-check which location your practitioner is practicing from, or if it is an online session. If you are meeting in person, please arrive a few minutes early so you can ensure you will get the maximum benefit in your session. If you are meeting online, you will receive a link to your confidential meeting room before your session. You and your practitioner will decide near the end of each session what the next steps are until you meet again.

If something is unclear, you feel you are not moving forward, or there is something else that makes you uncomfortable in your session, please tell your practitioner! While we are really good at what we do, we are not mind-readers and need you to openly communicate with us so we can collaboratively craft a plan to get to your goals.


Those who join Dragonfly Wellness Centre become members of our family. Their pain is our sorrow, and their joy, our pride. The more you open up to us, the more you benefit from our shared experiences. Members of our community have found our services and support system nothing short of transformative. See what they have to say:

Unique values for a unique experience

Superior therapy sessions and workshops are not enough at Dragonfly Wellness Centre. Our mental health and wellness services consistently deliver an extraordinary experience thanks to these particular values:

  • Authenticity: Our members and experts do not hide behind masks, which facilitates genuine connections. 
  • Growth: We do more than mend your mental and emotional wounds; we equip you with the means to pursue your happiness and objectives by yourself. 
  • Pluralism: Our focus on the collective rather than the individual ensures that nobody is left behind during the healing process. 

Join our community or enroll in a course or a support group to experience the Dragonfly brand of mental health and wellness.

What are you waiting for?

It will never be the perfect time to go on an inward journey. Therapy takes courage, commitment, and a willingness to learn about yourself in a whole new way. If you are ready to begin finding your way back to your best self, book your initial consultation with one of our therapists to see who is the right match for you.


Dragonfly Wellness Centre’s  wellness services are as broad as they are deep. We offer innovative courses and workshops, intimate support groups, invigorating one-on-one counselling and coaching, energy work and body therapies, and training and mentoring new practitioners.

All our offerings are led by hand-picked, accredited therapists, healers, and coaches who genuinely enjoy their work. Our experts deliver first-class sessions and content without compromising on humanity, empathy, and confidentiality.

Frequently Asked Questions

For lasting change, you will see your therapist for a minimum of 6-10 sessions. Anything less than this does not allow enough time for lasting changes in the brain. You will work with your therapist to track progress and manage any set-backs, and to develop a schedule of sessions that makes sense for your particular mental health needs. Most people engage in therapy for a set number of sessions (usually between 10-20) and then come in for a tune-up session as needed. A few people prefer to have a long-term relationship with their therapist, where they have an initial period of intense personal work followed by a monthly session as they work through the calendar year.

Counselling sessions range from $125 to $275 + GST per session, depending on who you decide to work with. The range in rate depends on academic training and years of experience for each practitioner. Many insurance companies fully or partially reimburse for mental health support. 
You will have to check with your insurance provider to see if your particular counsellor is covered by your plan. During your initial consultation, be sure to ask your counsellor if they belong to a professional association that may be covered. You will be provided with a receipt to submit to your provider for reimbursement as we do not offer direct billing.  (Some counsellors in our practice offer a sliding scale for those in financial hardship.)


In our practice, we believe in personal readiness and environmental synchronicity. If you have found us at this time in your journey, it is because you are ready to do the difficult work for personal transformation. You will know within the first session if your therapist is the right match for you, and if they are not, we will help match you with someone else, either within or outside our practice. Counselling works when you click with your counsellor, are honest about what you need in sessions, and do the required work in between sessions to make the neurological and interpersonal changes required for your best life. It works if you work it and if you are sincerely ready for change.


Over the last few years most of our clients have been online, but there is also a growing community meeting in-person at our physical location in Salmon Arm, BC. If you're from the area, we would love to work with you in person!

What is Dragonfly Wellness Centre?

What is Dragonfly Wellness Centre?

Dragonfly Wellness Centre is a BC-based community of healing professionals united in overcoming emotional challenges, physical health issues, and promoting mental wellness. Led by seasoned clinical therapists, certified coaches, and best-in-class healers and practitioners, our services include courses and workshops on mental health, a vast array of welcoming support groups, effective, short-term couples coaching, one-on-one counselling, coaching, energy healing, massage and other body-based therapies, and clinical supervision for new practitioners looking to break into the field.  

Like the wings of a dragonfly that are constantly changing in colour to match the sun’s reflection, expect a life-changing experience every time you come to us.

The Dragonfly community awaits you

Joining our community means having access to first-rate therapists and coaches, hundreds of expert-vetted courses and workshops in our Dragonfly Resource Centre, and safe, judgment-free groups where you can bond with kindred individuals and heal together. See just how much we take your mental health seriously by filling out the contact form below.

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