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Spiritual Health

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Spiritual Health

Are you ready for re-alignment? 

Addressing Spiritual Health provides a fast-track solution to the variety of problems that people are facing. Through ancient techniques and minimal touch, the Energy Healer helps you quiet the noise. When you focus on Spiritual Health, you are able to access that wise, quiet voice inside that knows how to heal your body, quiet your mind, and get you back on track.

The philosophy behind Energy Healing is that the body has it's own natural self-healing mechanims, and when the body is not operating optimally it is because something is out of alignment. The practitioner helps to re-align the body and mind under the guidance of the client's own Higher Self. You will learn how to naturally shift into a flow state and stay there long-term.


Targeted Energy Transformation

This is a customized, specialized technique that combines pressure point activation, energy healing, intuitive guidance, and spiritual alignment methodologies. In a few short sessions, energetic, emotional, psychological, and physical blocks are removed so the client can naturally realign and tune back in to the wisdom of the Higher Self. Sessions are offered online and in-person.


Weekly Guided Meditation Circle

Join like-minded seekers every Wednesday in-person at 6- 7 pm PST as we explore our inner landscape in community. Sessions include some gentle stretches, a short guided meditation, and an optional sharing circle. The circle is set up with chairs and participation is by donation with proceeds going to charity. All experience levels warmly welcomed and we invite you for tea and treats at the end! (No registration required.)

Why Work with Us?

At Dragonfly Wellness Centre, we have two streams of support: addressing illness and promoting wellness.

Addressing illness is the traditional approach to healing where someone seeks out a practitioner because they are facing a complicated life issue, need help with physical illness, are feeling disconnected spiritually, or are suffering from a mental health crisis. People tend to ask for this kind of help when everything they have tried isn't working, and they need another perspective to solve the problems they are facing. The addressing illness approach is helpful for people in relationship crisis, experiencing a mental health condition, dealing with physical symptoms they can't resolve, or at a critical crossroads or transition point and feel like they don't know what to do next. In addressing illness, we explore where the problems came from, why they are still here, and what we can do to resolve them. 

Promoting wellness is the second stream of healing at our Centre. Here, we are working with people who are generally high-functioning and are interested in staying well, increasing their productivity, taking their relationships to the next level of honesty and closeness, and living a life of passion and purpose. We offer this type of approach to entrepreneurs, parents, out-of-the-box thinkers, artists, and high-achievers. Many of our clients who are interested in promoting wellness become members of Dragonfly Academy.

When you choose us as your helping professionals, you get the best combination of training, heart, hope, and science.

Expertise to meet your needs

Dragonfly Wellness Centre is home to an eclectic lineup of mental health specialists. No matter the problems you are facing, you are likely to find a certified therapist or coach in our team who has trained specifically to help you. Our counselling and coaching support covers:

  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Body Image
  • Career Problems
  • Couples Issues
  • Depression
  • Self-Esteem
  • Spirituality
  • Work-Life Balance
  • And More!  

Contact our mental health and wellness experts today to see how they can help you conquer your personal challenges!

What Do We Offer?

We don't want you to just get better, for now, we want transformation. We want you to get to a point where you don't need us anymore because you have uncovered your own inner compass. We want you well for the long term.

We help you identify your challenges, and look deeper into root causes so not only are you making plans for the future, but you are also healing pain from your past. 

We teach you about your brain and how to manage moods and thoughts so you can craft the life you want and get out of "survival mode".

We help you address and change habits and patterns for lasting change. 

We work with your body and it's systems and understand pain as the body's way of asking for healing.

We teach you about your energy system and how to align all aspects of you so you are moving confidently in the direaction of your dreams. 

We teach you about family dynamics and share the secret keys to long-term fulfillment in personal and professional relationships. 

We help you explore and deepen your spiritual life, including developing your mindfulness, presence, and relationship to your Highest Self.

Our practitioners have training in a variety of areas, including anxiety and depression, burn-out, chronic pain, family harmony, single-parenting, men's issues, relationship issues, addictions and recovery, LGBTQ2+ issues, spirituality, children and youth, mindfulness, and anger management.

Once you decide to try Energy Healing, you can simply call us to book your session.

Alternatively, you could book in an initial consultation with our Clinical Director who will provide an overall wellness assessment and help you craft a treatment plan to address your wellness goals in the areas of mind/mindset, phyiscal health, relationship harmony, and spiritual alignment. Once you book your time, you will receive a complimentary 20-minute phone call at your preferred time. Please come prepared with your wellness goals.

Please arrive a few minutes early so you can ensure you have time to complete your Intake Form and that you get the maximum benefit from your session. Your Energy Healer may recommend an add-on service during your treatment.

If something is unclear, you feel you are not moving forward after a few treatments, or there is something else that makes you uncomfortable in your session, please tell your practitioner! While we are really good at what we do, we are not mind-readers and need you to openly communicate with us so we can collaboratively craft a plan to get to your goals.


Those who join Dragonfly Wellness Centre become members of our family. Their pain is our sorrow, and their joy, our pride. The more you open up to us, the more you benefit from our shared experiences. Members of our community have found our services and support system nothing short of transformative. See what they have to say:

Unique values for a unique experience

Superior therapy sessions and workshops are not enough at Dragonfly Wellness Centre. Our mental health and wellness services consistently deliver an extraordinary experience thanks to these particular values:

  • Authenticity: Our members and experts do not hide behind masks, which facilitates genuine connections. 
  • Growth: We do more than mend your mental and emotional wounds; we equip you with the means to pursue your happiness and objectives by yourself. 
  • Pluralism: Our focus on the collective rather than the individual ensures that nobody is left behind during the healing process. 

Join our community or enroll in a course or a support group to experience the Dragonfly brand of mental health and wellness.

What are you waiting for?

It will never be the perfect time to go on an inward journey. Comprehensive healing takes courage, commitment, and a willingness to learn about yourself in a whole new way. If you are ready to begin finding your way back to your best self, book your initial consultation with one of our practitioners to see who is the right match for you.


Dragonfly Wellness Centre’s wellness services are as broad as they are deep. We offer innovative courses and workshops, intimate support groups, invigorating one-on-one counselling and coaching, energy work and body therapies, and training and mentoring new practitioners.

All our offerings are led by hand-picked, accredited therapists, healers, and coaches who genuinely enjoy their work. Our experts deliver first-class sessions and content online and in-person without compromising on humanity, empathy, and confidentiality.

What is Dragonfly Wellness Centre?

What is Dragonfly Wellness Centre?

Dragonfly Wellness Centre is a BC-based community of healing professionals united in overcoming emotional challenges, physical health issues, and promoting mental wellness. Led by seasoned clinical therapists, certified coaches, and best-in-class healers and practitioners, our services include courses and workshops on mental health, a vast array of welcoming support groups, effective, short-term couples coaching, one-on-one counselling, coaching, energy healing, massage and other body-based therapies, and clinical supervision for new practitioners looking to break into the field.  

Like the wings of a dragonfly that are constantly changing in colour to match the sun’s reflection, expect a life-changing experience every time you come to us.

The Dragonfly community awaits you

Joining our community means having access to first-rate therapists and coaches, hundreds of expert-vetted courses and workshops in our Dragonfly Resource Centre, and safe, judgment-free groups where you can bond with kindred individuals and heal together. See just how much we take your mental health seriously by filling out the contact form below.

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